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Finly is the leading financial data and analytics platform, providing easy access to comprehensive financial analytics on Estonian companies. Our platform allows you to analyze any company and gain valuable insights.
since 2017
Financial ratios

Company page blocks

This section provides a description and explanation of the different blocks of data that are shown on the company page.
The basic data section provides essential information sourced from the official business registry, ensuring accuracy and regular updates. It includes the following details:
  • Registry code
  • Status
  • Founded date
  • Address
  • Email and phone number (if available)
  • VAT ID
  • Reporting period
  • Last reported year
  • Capital amount and currency
  • Main activity (extracted from the company's latest annual statement, excluding subsidiaries)
  • Latest revenue (as per the company's income statement)
  • Latest net income (as per the company's income statement)
  • Number of employees (excluding subsidiaries)
  • Articles of association's effective date and downloadable PDF
The activities section displays the revenue generated by each company's activity since 2017 as per company's annual statements

By default, it shows the activity data for the given company, excluding subsidiaries.

However, you can switch between the `including subsidiaries` or `excluding subsidiaries` tables to view the complete picture of the company's activities.
The market share data is based on the overall activities of the given company, including its subsidiaries.

To view the market share of each company's activity, navigate to the "Activities" tab. Please note that it may take approximately 1 minute to load the market share data for each activity of the company. The loading time depends on the company's activities.

Firstly, you will find a stacked column chart that displays the following information for a given activity. To search for the activity, use the select box and type either part of the activity name or the activity EMTAK code. The chart will show:
  • Yearly market share of given company's activity
  • Yearly market share of the top 5 largest companies'

Secondly, by clicking the "Show Analysis" button, a table will be displayed with the following details:
  1. Each row represents one activity of the given company and includes the following data:
    1. Average market share (with rank)
    2. Latest market share (with year)
    3. Average share of the activity in the company's total revenue
    4. Latest share of the activity in the company's total revenue (with year)
  2. Each row can be expanded to view companies with similar market share in that particular activity.
    1. The same data as mentioned earlier for similar companies will be shown.
The Board & Founders section provides insights into the company's organizational structure. It includes the following tables:
  1. Representatives
    1. This table typically includes board members, but other roles like trustees in bankruptcy may also be listed.
    2. You can toggle between the `show history` and `show current` tables.
    3. The `show history` table displays the historical representatives.
    4. This table includes the following columns:
      1. Representatives' names (with link to the representative's page)
      2. Representatives' nationality countries
      3. Birthdate
      4. Role
      5. Valid from - to dates
      6. Status of the representative (active or inactive)
  2. Supervisory board (if applicable)
    1. This table includes members of the company's supervisory board.
    2. You can toggle between the `show history` and `show current` tables.
    3. The `show history` table displays the historical members of the supervisory board.
    4. This table includes the following columns:
      1. Supervisory board members' names (with link to the supervisory board member's page)
      2. Supervisory board members' nationality countries
      3. Birthdate
      4. Role
      5. Valid from - to dates
      6. Status of the supervisory board member (active or inactive)
  3. Founders
    1. This table includes the company's founders.
    2. A founder can be an individual or a company.
    3. This table includes the founders' names (with link to the founder's page) and their birthdates (for individuals) or founding dates (for companies).
This block displays the shareholders and ultimate beneficiaries of the company, along with their respective ownership stakes in the given company. The table includes the following information:
  1. Shareholder name (indivudal name or company name with registry ID)
  2. Ownership stake
  3. If the shareholder is a company, you can expand the table to view the shareholders of that company, along with their ownership stakes. This recursive view allows you to explore full ownership structure of the given company.
This block displays a sortable table featuring a given company's subsidiaries. The Subsidiaries table includes the following columns:
  • Subsidiary name and registry code
  • Date of Subsidiary's Founding
  • Given company's stake in the subsidiary
  • Subsidiary's annual revenue and corresponding year
  • Subsidiary's book value
  • Value of the given company's stake in the subsidiary
The Taxes section provides quarterly data reported by EMTA (Estonian Tax and Customs Board) for the given company.

The entire block can be toggled between `Include subsidiaries` and `Excluding subsidiaries`. By default, the data shown excludes subsidiaries.

This block includes the following tables:
  1. DATA from EMTA
    1. This table displays the following columns:
      1. Period (e.g., 2023 Q1, representing the first quarter of 2023)
      2. Paid national taxes
      3. Paid taxes on workforce
      4. Taxable revenue
      5. Number of employees
    2. This table can be toggled between `Show yearly` and `Show quarterly`.
    3. The `Show yearly` table provides accumulated national taxes, taxes on workforce, taxable revenue, and average number of employees.
  2. Data analysis
    1. This table presents different tax ratios based on the previous table.
    2. This table includes the following columns:
      1. Period
      2. Effective Tax Rate (national taxes / taxable revenue)
      3. Tax Contribution Ratio (taxes on workforce / national taxes)
      4. Tax Per Employee (taxes on workforce / number of employees)
      5. Average monthly salary
    3. This table can also be toggled between `Show yearly` and `Show quarterly`.
  3. Tax Debt
    1. This table includes the following columns:
      1. Debt amount
      2. Contested amount (included in the debt amount)
      3. Debt start date
      4. As of date
The Pledges section displays the commercial pledges associated with the company.

The entire block can be toggled between `Include subsidiaries` and `Excluding subsidiaries`. By default, the data shown excludes subsidiaries.

The pledges table includes the following:
  1. Pledge amount
  2. First entry date
  3. Each row is expandable, allowing you to view the following data:
    1. Pledge holder
    2. Pledge holder start date
This block displays a table of the company's competitors. You can search and add new companies as competitors.

The block also includes financial ratios charts based on the competitors' table.

The Competitor table has the following columns:
  1. On/Off - whether to show given competitor on the financial ratios charts.
  2. Company name
  3. Similarity coefficient
    1. The similarity coefficient reflects the resemblance between companies' revenue percentages for various activities (e.g., 30% - hotel business, 50% - food and beverages). It does not compare absolute revenue numbers.
  4. Latest revenue with respective reported year

The available financial ratios include:
  1. Profitability ratios
    1. Net income margin
        The net income margin is calculated by dividing net income by revenue. It shows the percentage of revenue that translates into net income. Higher values indicate better profitability.
    2. Gross profit margin
        The gross profit margin is calculated by dividing gross profit by revenue. It shows the percentage of revenue that remains after deducting the cost of goods sold. Higher values indicate better efficiency in managing production costs.
    3. Operating profit margin
        The operating profit margin is calculated by dividing operating profit by revenue. It shows the profitability of the company from its core business operations. Higher values indicate better operational efficiency.
    4. Pre-tax profit margin
        The pre-tax profit margin is calculated by dividing profit before tax by revenue. It shows the profitability of the company before considering taxes. Higher values indicate better profitability.
    5. Net income to Gross income
        The net income to gross income ratio is calculated by dividing net income by gross income. It shows the percentage of gross income that translates into net income. Higher values indicate better profitability.
    6. Return on Assets (ROA)
        ROA is calculated by dividing net income by total assets. It shows the company's efficiency in generating profit from its assets. Higher values indicate better asset utilization.
    7. Return on Equity (ROE)
        ROE is calculated by dividing net income by total equity. It shows the company's profitability in relation to the equity invested by shareholders. Higher values indicate better returns for shareholders.
  2. Liquidity ratios
    1. Current ratio
        The current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. It shows the company's ability to meet its short-term obligations. Higher values indicate better liquidity and financial stability.
    2. Interest Expense / EBIT
        The Interest Expense / EBIT ratio is calculated by dividing the total interest expense by earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). This ratio measures the financial burden of debt on a company's earnings. Lower values indicate a smaller portion of earnings is used for interest expenses, suggesting better financial health and lower debt risk.
    3. Operating Cash Flow Ratio
        The operating cash flow ratio is calculated by dividing operating cash flow by current liabilities. It shows the company's ability to generate sufficient cash flow to cover its short-term liabilities. Higher values indicate better cash flow management.
    4. Cash Ratio
        The cash ratio is calculated by dividing total cash by current liabilities. It shows the company's ability to pay off its immediate liabilities with its available cash. Higher values indicate better short-term liquidity.
  3. Leverage ratios
    1. Long-term debt to equity
        The long-term debt to equity ratio is calculated by dividing non-current liabilities by total equity. It shows the proportion of long-term debt in relation to the equity of the company. Higher values indicate higher financial leverage and potential risk.
    2. Debt to equity
        The debt to equity ratio is calculated by dividing total liabilities by total equity. It shows the company's financial leverage, indicating the proportion of debt to equity financing. Higher values indicate higher financial risk.
    3. Debt to assets
        The debt to assets ratio is calculated by dividing total liabilities by total assets. It shows the proportion of debt in relation to the company's total assets. Higher values indicate higher financial risk.
    4. Equity to assets
        The equity to assets ratio is calculated by dividing total equity by total assets. It shows the proportion of equity in relation to the company's total assets. Higher values indicate higher financial stability.
  4. Dividends ratios
    1. Dividends to Net Income
        The dividends to net income ratio is calculated by dividing paid dividends by net income. It shows the portion of net income distributed as dividends. Higher values indicate a larger proportion of net income distributed to shareholders.
    2. Dividends to Retained Earnings
        The dividends to retained earnings ratio is calculated by dividing paid dividends by retained earnings. It shows the portion of retained earnings distributed as dividends. Higher values indicate a larger proportion of retained earnings distributed to shareholders.
  5. Other ratios
    1. COGS ratio
        The cost of goods sold (COGS) ratio is calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold by revenue. It shows the percentage of revenue consumed by the cost of producing goods. Lower values indicate better cost control and profitability.
    2. Admin Expenses to Revenue
        The administrative expenses to revenue ratio is calculated by dividing total administrative expenses by revenue. It shows the efficiency of administrative cost management. Lower values indicate better cost control and profitability.
    3. Marketing Expenses to Revenue
        The revenue to marketing expenses ratio is calculated by dividing total marketing expenses by revenue. It shows the efficiency of marketing cost management. Lower values indicate better cost control and profitability.
The "Financials" block provides a comprehensive view of the company's financial information, including the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and dividends for different years. It presents this data in a well-organized table format, allowing you to easily analyze and understand the company's financial performance.

Additionally, you have the option to download all the available financial data in Excel format, providing you with the flexibility to further analyze the data or integrate it into your own financial models and reports.
The "Articles" block provides a curated list of news articles related to the company, sourced from various media outlets. It leverages a comprehensive search to gather relevant articles that mention the company by name. Stay up-to-date with the latest news, industry insights, and coverage about the company by exploring this collection of articles.

Person page

This block shows companies where given individual is one of the following:
  1. Board member,
    1. Green check mark is shown if given individual is current board member in a respective company
    2. Gray check mark is shown if given individual has been a board member in a respective company in the past
    3. You can click or hover over green and gray check mark to see when given individual has been the board member in a respective company
  2. Supervisory board member,
    1. Green check mark is shown if given individual is current supervisory board member in a respective company
    2. Gray check mark is shown if given individual has been a supervisory board member in a respective company in the past
    3. You can click or hover over green and gray check mark to see when given individual has been the supervisory board member in a respective company
  3. Founder,
    1. Green check mark is shown if given individual is respective company's founder
  4. Shareholder
    1. Ownership stake is shown if given individual is a shareholder of a respective company
The "Articles" block on the person's page presents a selection of news articles that are relevant to the individual. It gathers news articles by searching the person's name across various media outlets. Please note that due to the possibility of multiple individuals sharing the same name, some articles in the list may not be directly applicable to the specific person you are viewing. Nonetheless, it provides a glimpse into media coverage and news items related to individuals with a similar name. Stay informed and explore this collection of articles to discover news and insights about the individual.

Search for companies and individuals

Finly search tool is user-friendly, especially for handling unique Estonian characters. You may substite Estonian special characters with the closest English equivalents as follows:
  • Use 'o' for 'õ' and 'ö'
  • Use 'a' for 'ä'
  • Use 'u' for 'ü'
  • Use 's' for 'š'
  • Use 'z' for 'ž'

You can search by typing one of the following into the search bar:
  1. Company name
    1. Partial match is possible
  2. Company registry ID
    1. Only full match is possible
  3. Individual's name
    1. Partial match is possible
  4. Individual's ID code
    1. Partial match is possible

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